This will be an easy holiday week. We will be watching "The Patriot" on both days. Enjoy your break!
Alan Schubert
This will be an easy holiday week. We will be watching "The Patriot" on both days. Enjoy your break!
Alan Schubert
Mon: The Southern Campaign of the Revolution HW: RSG 10.3
Tuesday: Finish Revolution. No HW
Wednesday: Computer Lab Patriot WebQuest No HW
Thursday: Computer Lab Patriot WebQuest No HW
Friday: Begin The Patriot No HW
If your child has a facebook account you should note that there are new privacy settings taking affect. For a detailed explanation check here:
Monday 10/7- EQ How did war and England's new colonial policy push North Carolinian's towards revolution?
Homework- Reading Study Guide 9.2
Terms for Identification Quiz on Friday(10 of the 17 terms will be quizzed): French and Indian War, Albany Plan of Union, guerrilla warfare, Proclamation of 1763, Pontiac's Rebellion, Sugar Act, Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Act, Intolerable Act, Boston Massacre, Boycott, Loyalists, Patriots, Declaration of Independence, Halifax Resolves, Mecklenburg Resolves.
Keep up with index card for the quiz.
Tuesday 10/8- EQ How did war and England's new colonial policy push North Carolinian's toward revolution?
Homework- Reading Study Guide 9.3 Continue to work on ID's for the quiz
Wednesday 10/9- EQ How did the colonies of North America win their independence from Great Britain?
Homework- No homework, Continue to work on ID's for the quiz.
Thursday 10/10- EQ How did the colonies of North America win their independence from Great Britain?
Homework- No homework, Continue to work on ID's for the quiz tomorrow.
Friday 10/11- EQ How did the colonies of North America win their independence from Great Britain?
Quiz- Remember to bring the index card with ID's on it for the quiz.
Homework- No homework, have a good weekend
Mon Class system in NC. HW 7.2
Tue: State politics hw 8.1, 8.2
Wed Review for test
Thurs: Test
Friday: test corrections
This week will be in Ch 6 studying NC as a colony.
M: HW RSG 6.1
T: HW RSG 6.2
W: Field Trip
TR: HW 6.3
F: No HW
Mon: We will be making Blue Star Flags to honor our veterans. We will also begin chapter 5. HW RSG 5.2, 5.3
Tue: We will do a map and create a triple Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the three Colonial regions. HW: RSG 5.4
Wed: No school Veteran's Day
Thurs: We will watch a movie on Blackbeard Students will HW: Pirate Flags
Fri: We will be studying triangle trade and the Middle Passage. We will be creating slave narratives. There will be plenty of time in class but in a few cases I may give individuals permission to work on it at home over the weekend.
Thank you,
Alan Schubert
The students really enjoy the activity we are doing today. We are doing a computer simulation for the Jamestown Colony. They go to the site and try to get as high a rating as possible. It might be fun to go there and see if you do as well as they do. This is what they did:
The second try is especially important to see if you learned anything from the first.
Good Luck,
Alan Schubert
Mon and Tuesday we will be look at Primary Sources. Homework Tuesday Reading Study Guide 4.1
Wed: Why did England's first attempts to colonize fail? We will take a close look at the Ralph Lane and the lost colony. No Homework
Thursday: Why was Jamestown Successful? We will be doing a computer simulation of the Jamestown settlement. No Homework
Friday: Why did people want to settle in the New World. Students will be designing a poster to entice people to the New World. This is an in class assignment that cannot be taken home for homework.
Don't forget that daylight hours are running out, and the park will not be as enjoyable in the cold so if you want to do the extra credit sooner is better than later.
10/27 Tues- Welcome to NC History No HW The first day of each week students will write the plan in their agendas. I check them and sign.
10/28 Wed- Proud to Cal NC Home No HW (I will rarely assign HW on Wed because so many students have sports and church groups.)
10/29 thurs: Exploration/ Columbian Exchange
10/30 Fri: Assign Textbooks. Students should bring these home and keep them there. I will have a copy available in class. That way there should be no "I forgot my book" excuses. No hw (I rarely assign HW on Fridays.
This is my last week with "A" group until the beginning of the semester. All make up work needs to be done by Friday.
Mon: North Carolina as the "Rip Van Winkle" State. HW RSG 12.1, 12.2
Tues: Continue the decline and begin the Reform of NC HW 12.3
Wed: Reform in NC and the State Constitution of 1835 no HW
Thurs Slavery in NC HW RSG 13.1, 13.2
Fri (Half Day): Review of the term.
Extra Credit: I am happy that so many people have done the extra credit already. It seems like the students are really enjoying it. Don't forget all extra credit is due Friday NO EXCEPTIONS. The Battleground museum closes at 5 PM. The Park closes to cars at 5 as well. People are still allowed to walk the park until sunset. It may pay to do some internet research on some of the questions so that you can get through quicker.
Thank you,
Alan Schubert
Apparently the school's web is unreliable so I have reposted the worksheets. These are in a picture format so the best thing to do is to download them and then print them. I am sorry the last link failed.
Let me know if you need any more help. Remember the "contact me" page sends to my personal email that I check at night and on weekends.
-Alan Schubert
Guilford Courthouse Battlefield visit
1 Print the 2 worksheets
2 Go to the park find the information and fill in the worksheets
3 Take a picture of yourself at the park near an Identifiable landmark. Pictures can be emailed, brought in on device, or printed.
4 Turn both in by 10/23. No exceptions can be made because this is the last day of the grading period.
Useful links
Mon: How did the Colonists forma a new government? HW: Constitution Crossword
Tues: Same focus: Now HW
Wed: What was the Impact of the Louisiana Purchase? No HW
Thurs: What was the significance of the War of 1812? No HW
Friday: what were the key reforms of NC's Constitution of 1832?
This link wasn't working for awhile, but I think it is working again. Sorry if you have been checking for updates.
Thank you for all of the donations for Fall Festival. It was a huge success.
The Week's Plan:
Mon: Test corrections using the textbook
Tue: Mrs. Allison and Officer Dees will be in to talk to the class.
Wed- Fri: Watch "The Patriot" there is an activity that goes along with this that will be due the following Tuesday.
As always if you need anything let me know.
Alan Schubert
Mon Begin discussion about how NC specifically became a colony (ch 6). Homework P120 13-18
Tuesday: Continue discussing founding of NC. HW: Study for Quiz ch 6
Wednesday Quiz ch 6 no Homework
Thursday: Constitution day. We will look closely at the Bill of Rights
Friday: Begin Ch 7 No homework.
Today's assignment (Thursday 9/10) is to design your own pirate flag. Pirates used symbols to communicate who they were and to strike fear into the hearts of their opponents. Students should make up symbols of their own and design their own pirate's flag. They should make a key to explain what their symbols mean.
I hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day weekend. I know I did. Here is the Week' Plan.
As always please use the contact me link from my home page if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Alan Schubert
I am switching Thursday's and Friday's plans with each other. A computer lab became available Thursday so I am taking the opportunity to go to the lab. The original lesson planned for Friday will be even better when done in the lab Thursday.
We had a great time in the lab on Tuesday. Students did an online simulation of the Jamestown colony. Many of the students were able to receive 2 "excellents" in their score. Curious what we were doing? Check out and see how well you can do.
Thank you,
Alan Schubert
I am looking forward to another Great week. I am sure the students will love this week for a number of reasons chief among them that there is no homework.
Mon: I will be assigning students books. This is a book that they take and keep at home. I will have a book available in the classroom for in class work, and they will have their book at home for homework. We will also be looking at NC 's Geography, and learning about the text.
Tue: We will be in the computer lab doing an historical simulation of the settlement of Jamestown, VA
Wed: We will focus on the Lost Colony
Thursday: Students will receive a primary source analysis booklet, and we will discuss the importance of Primary sources to historians.
Fri: Students will be doing an assessment activity from the perspective of a prospective colonist.
Thank you,
Alan Schubert
Thank you for a great week! I am excited that I have so many great students supported by so many wonderful families. We learned a lot about each other this week, and began to delve into NC history. We even made it into the computer lab for a lesson on Old NC Mills.
Thank you,
Alan Schubert