Monday, November 30, 2009

11/30- 12/4

Mon Class system in NC. HW 7.2

Tue: State politics hw 8.1, 8.2

Wed Review for test

Thurs: Test

Friday: test corrections

Monday, November 16, 2009

Week’s Plan 11/16- 11/20

This week will be in Ch 6 studying NC as a colony.

M: HW RSG 6.1

T: HW RSG 6.2

W: Field Trip

TR: HW 6.3

F: No HW

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week’s Plan 11/9- 11/13

Mon: We will be making Blue Star Flags to honor our veterans. We will also begin chapter 5. HW RSG 5.2, 5.3

Tue: We will do a map and create a triple Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the three Colonial regions. HW: RSG 5.4

Wed: No school Veteran's Day

Thurs: We will watch a movie on Blackbeard Students will HW: Pirate Flags

Fri: We will be studying triangle trade and the Middle Passage. We will be creating slave narratives. There will be plenty of time in class but in a few cases I may give individuals permission to work on it at home over the weekend.

Thank you,

Alan Schubert

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jamestown Simulation

The students really enjoy the activity we are doing today. We are doing a computer simulation for the Jamestown Colony. They go to the site and try to get as high a rating as possible. It might be fun to go there and see if you do as well as they do. This is what they did:

  1. For each prompt:
    1. Summarize each recommendation (Colonist, Charter, Native)
    2. Make a decision and write down your decision
    3. Explain your decision. Tell me why you feel you have made a good decision
  2. At the end you are given a screen "here is an evaluation of your decisions," Write down your food, health, wealth, and Morale rating (DO NOT PRINT)
  3. Click on "Now We Know" and read the information.
  4. Using what you have learned retake the simulation to try for a better score.
  5. How did you change the second time around?
  6. Write down your food, health, wealth, and Morale rating for the Second try.
  7. When you are done you may try for an even better evaluation.

The second try is especially important to see if you learned anything from the first.

Good Luck,

Alan Schubert

Monday, November 2, 2009

11/2- 11-6

Mon and Tuesday we will be look at Primary Sources. Homework Tuesday Reading Study Guide 4.1

Wed: Why did England's first attempts to colonize fail? We will take a close look at the Ralph Lane and the lost colony. No Homework

Thursday: Why was Jamestown Successful? We will be doing a computer simulation of the Jamestown settlement. No Homework

Friday: Why did people want to settle in the New World. Students will be designing a poster to entice people to the New World. This is an in class assignment that cannot be taken home for homework.

Don't forget that daylight hours are running out, and the park will not be as enjoyable in the cold so if you want to do the extra credit sooner is better than later.