Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Wednesday’s Test

Don't think you did well on the Unit 2 test? Well, you have a chance to retake it. Go to Mr. à click Document manager -> find "unit2retest.htm" It will ask you to download the file. Download the file, and open it. There will be a test with 29 questions. Don't forget to put your name and email in the blanks at the top. If you do not have an email use your Gaggle account. When you are done with the test, make sure to submit it. You may use your books, notes, internet, whatever you need to find the answers. Good luck.

I will average your retake with your actual test.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week of 11/22

Monday and Tuesday we will be finishing the movie The Patriot. We will be putting the movie in historical perspective as it relates to the southern campaign of the Revolutionary War.

Have a great thanksgiving.

-Alan Schubert

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week of 11/8

Mon: finish ch 9 Causes of the Revolution

Tue: Career counseling with Mrs. Fleenor in the the computer lab.

Wed: Quiz ch 9

Thursday: No School. Thank a veteran.

Friday: Begin ch 10 no homework.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week of Oct 11th

Mon: CH 6.3 HW: outline 6.3

Tue: ch 7.1

Wed 7.2

Thursday slavery foldable… will be HW if not finished in class

Fri: ch 7.3

There will be a quiz next week over ch 6 and 7.

Monday, October 4, 2010


First, I would like to remind everyone to get their field trip permission slips in before Friday. If your son or daughter has forgotten or misplaced their slip, you can find a copy in the documents section of this site.

This week we will be wrapping up our discussion of the pre-revolution colonies.

Monday we will watch the first episode of the series "America: The Story of Us." This is an excellent series, and this episode focuses on the colonization of America starting with Jamestown, and going until the breakout of revolution against the British. For homework, students will develop a DVD jacket cover for "the Story of Us." They will make illustrations that show the greatness of America.

Tue: We will look at primary sources and how we analyze them as historians. No HW

Wed: We will begin ch 6, a look at NC as a colony, with the focus "what made NC a distinct colony?" no HW

Thursday CH6.2 no HW

Fri Ch 6.3 no HW.


Alan Schubert

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week of 9/27

Don't forget about the extra credit due by Oct 26th. There are only a few weekends left to do it. If you do not know what the extra credit is, view my earlier posts.

Mon: How did triangle trade contribute to the economy of the New World. HW: students will be writing about the middle passage from the perspective of a slave. They will use RAFT thinking to develop their writing. This needs to be 1 page front.

R- Role: Who are you? Develop the central character from whos perspective you are writing.

A- Audience : Who are you writing to ?

F- Format : What form will your writing assume ? ex letter, journal, diary, newpaper, autobiography.

T- Topic : What are you writing about? What is the purpose of the writing?

Tue: review for quiz

Wed: Quiz over chapters 4 and 5

Thursday: Blackbeard no hw

Friday: Blackbeard. No hw

Monday, September 20, 2010

9/20- 9/24

Parents/ Guardians

I hope this message finds you well. This week we will be focusing on England's first settlers in the New World. The focus will be on how and why the colonies; Southern, Middle, and New England, were different from each other. Don't forget to get out and do the extra credit. There are not that many weekends left.

Mon: How and why did England first attempt a colony in North Carolina? No HW

Tue: Jamestown simulation. No HW

Wed: Make new world posters in class.

Thursday: Difference in the colonies. We will make a map of the original colonies. If it is not finished in class it will be homework.

Fri: The New England Colonies. No HW

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week of 9/13

Mon: How and why did the British first attempt to establish a colony in NC? HW p40 "reading strategy"

Tues: Columbian exchange HW Study for quiz ch 3

Wed: Quiz Ch 3 students may use their "reading strategy" on the quiz

Thursday: Why did Europeans first explore North America and NC, and what were the Consequences? HW: Vocab practice

Fri: Lost Colony No HW

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Extra Credit Guilford Courthouse NMP

1 Print the worksheets. Click on "GC" in the documents section of my website.

2 Go to the park find the information and fill in the worksheets. This may take many hours. There is a battlefield section and a museum section. I believe the Museum closes at 5 pm daily.

3 Take a picture of yourself at the park near an identifiable landmark. Pictures can be emailed, brought in on device, or printed.

4 Turn both in by 10/26. No exceptions can be made because this is the last day of the grading period.

5. DO NOT wait until the last minute to do this. Weather does not always cooperate, and you probably cannot get it done after school in one trip. It is NOT alright to take off of school to do this.

6 If you all go to the park together it is OK to do this with friends. Do not give your work to someone else.

7 You will receive 5 100%'s in the grade book; the equivalent of a perfect test grade.

8 Questions other than extensions email me.

Useful links

National Park Website


Week of 9/7

Welcome back. I think we all needed that long weekend to recharge our batteries. This week we will continue our focus on NC Geography, and how it has affected settlement. Each student has been assigned a book to keep at home.

Mon: Labor Day- celebrate a dedicated to those that work and keep this country great.

Tue: Today we will go over the charts that were used for notes on ch 1. Students will be able to use this chart on Wed quiz.

Wed Quiz on ch 1 focus is on NC

Thursday: Begin Ch 2 no hw

Friday: continue ch 2 no hw.


Thank You, and as always let me know if you have any questions.

-Alan Schubert

Monday, August 30, 2010

8/30- 9/3

This will be a bit of an unusual week. As many of you know my wife gave birth to our first child on the 26th. Baby Olivia is doing well so I will likely be back on Wed. This week we will finish ch 1 and begin ch 2. there is no homework planned. Thank you for your patience as I enter into this next phase of my life.

-Mr. Schubert

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week's Plan 8/25- 8/27

This week's plan may be modified if I have a substitute because my wife goes into labor. There will still be no Homework.
Wed: What do I need to know to be successful in this class? No HW
TRS: How do we use the Five Themes of Geography? No HW
Fri: What are the characteristics of NC's main geographic regions? No HW

Looking forward to a great year,
Alan Schubert

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Welcome back, it's going to be a great year. be sure to check this area on a weekly basis for news and updates.

Monday, April 26, 2010

4/26-4/30 Week’s Plan

Hello and thank you for checking the Week's Plan. This week we will be studying the Great Depression and World War II. While we will not be spending as much time as I would like, we will have some very interesting in-class discussions.

Mon: What were the causes of the Great Depression? No HW
Tue: How did Roosevelt attempt to end the Great Depression? No HW
Wed: What were the causes of World War II? No HW
Thurs: What were the major battles in the European theater of war? No HW
Fri: What were the major battles in the Pacific theater of war? No HW

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 20- 23


EQ: How did WWI affect the United States and North Carolina.
HW: None


How did reform affect US and NC in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

HW: Create a Venn Diagram comparing Progressivism and Populism.

Thurs:How can we view the Roaring Twenties through individuals?
HW: Finish Resume

Fri:How did the Great Depression affect NC/US and how did we attempt to fix it?
HW: None

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12- 16

Monday:  EQ: How did reform affect the US and NC in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

    HW: Create a Venn Diagram comparing Populism and Progressivism.  Use notes and/or chapter 17.3 for help


Tuesday: EQ: How did the United States become a world power in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

    HW: None


Wednesday: EQ: Why did America choose to go to war in Europe?

    HW: None


Thursday: EQ: What were the Roaring Twenties?
    HW: Complete note card and bring to class for vocab quiz.  5pts      extra credit


Friday:  Quiz and Review

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week of 4/5-4/9

Monday 4/5 EQ How did the Industrial Revolution change the United States? HW: Create a persuasive advertisement for an invention from the Industrial Revolution. Draw the invention, list some key characteristics of the invention, and explain why it is beneficial to people to own or use this product.

Tuesday 4/6 EQ: How did the Industrial Revolution change the United States? HW: Read Ch. 18.1 and answer questions 13-15 on page 422

Wednesday 4/7 EQ: How did Industrialization affect North Carolina? HW: Create vocabulary quiz note cards to use on quiz. 5 pts extra credit towards quiz.

Thursday 4/8 EQ: How did the United States become a world power in the late 1800s and early 1900s? HW: None

Friday 4/9 EQ: Why did the United States choose to go to war in Europe? HW: None

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week’s Plan 3/22- 3/25

Mon: Test retakes. Students will be retaking the Unit test as a group. There final test score will be an average between their first test and the retake. No HW

Tue: How did North Carolina's economy develop after Reconstruction? No HW

Wed: What were the causes of World War I? No HW

Trs: End of term Review. Last day of the grading period. No HW

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Practice Test

Students can take a practice Unit Test at It is very similar to the one they will take Friday.

-Alan Schubert

Monday, March 15, 2010

Reconstruction March 15-19, 2010

Monday March 15

EQ: What were some of the problems faced by the US after the Civil War and how were they solved?

HW: Begin to study for vocabulary quiz on Wednesday. Terms: Reconstruction, Pardon, Black Codes, Freedmen, Freedmen's Bureau, 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, Carpetbagger, Scalawag, Radical, Radical Republican, Impeach, Ku Klux Klan, Sharecropping, Andrew Johnson, and Abraham Lincoln.


Tuesday March 16

EQ: What were some of the problems faced by the US after the Civil War and how did Congress attempt to solve them?

HW: Continue to study for vocabulary quiz on Wednesday. Terms: Reconstruction, Pardon, Black Codes, Freedmen, Freedmen's Bureau, 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, Carpetbagger, Scalawag, Radical, Radical Republican, Impeach, Ku Klux Klan, Sharecropping, Andrew Johnson, and Abraham Lincoln.


Wednesday March 17

EQ: How did Reconstruction affect North Carolina and why did it come to an end?

HW: Study for Civil War and Reconstruction Unit Test- Chapters 14, 15, and 16 in NC History Textbook.


Thursday March 18

EQ: None Study for tomorrow's test

HW: Study for Civil War and Reconstruction Unit Test- Chapters 14, 15, and 16 in NC History Textbook.


Friday March 19

EQ: None- Test

HW: None- Enjoy the weekend after a long tough week of work!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Week’s Plan March 8-12

Monday March 8: Essential Question- How did the words of the Gettysburg Address seek to rebuild a broken United States?
HW: None

Tuesday March 9: Essential Question- How does Sherman's March represent Total War?
HW: None

Wednesday March 10: Essential Question- Was Sherman's March necessary for a Union Victory?
HW: None

Thursday March 11: Essential Question- How did photography play a role in the Civil War?
HW- Finish RAFT Writing Assignment (Role, Audience, Format, and Topic) Students are assigned a photograph from the Civil War and are tasked with a creative writing assignment. They can write a letter, a newspaper article, a story, etc. their choice. Must be at least one page in length and include at least 5 of the 14 subtopic terms with proper reference and usage (Draft, Confederacy, Union, Gettysburg, Total War, Anaconda Plan, General Robert E. Lee, General Ulysses S. Grant, Vicksburg, Blockade, Emancipation Proclamation, Appomattox, Ironclad, and General Tecumseh Sherman). Due Friday

Study for Quiz on Friday

Friday March 12: Essential Question- What was NC's role and impact on the Civil War?
QUIZ today!
HW: None

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week’s Plan 2/1- 2/5

From now on if you go to WWW.MrScubert.Com it will direct to this page.

The primary focus of this week is the actual events of the Civil War.

Mon: Which side had the advantage in the Civil War?

Tue: How did the Union's Strategy suffocate the south into submission? HW: map assignment

Wed: Where and how were most of the Civil War's Battles fought?

Thursday: How did the Gettsyburg address try to bring the US back together? Vocab Quiz

Fri: ACC Field Trip

Thank you for checking in. As always if you have questions use the "Contact Me" section of this webpage.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Welcome Back B Week

It's great to have my B week students back, but I will miss A week. This week begins on Wednesday for B week. This term we will be studying the American Civil War. This week we will be studying chapter 14 in the book; the Causes of the Civil War. While there are no assignments this week, it is important that students keep the quiz on Friday in mind. My student teacher and I have listed the objectives for this week on a guide found in the documents section of this site. . This will help you prepare for the quiz.

Thanks for checking in,

Alan Schubert

Monday, February 15, 2010

Week’s Plan Feb 15-19


Monday Feb. 15: EQ- Was Sherman's March necessary for Northern victory?

HW- None (study for test)


Tuesday Feb 16: EQ- What kind of impact did wartime photographic imagery have on Civil War Society?

HW- None (study for test)


Wednesday Feb. 17: EQ- How did Reconstruction affect NC and the Nation?

HW- None (study for test)


Thursday Feb. 18: EQ- How did Reconstruction affect NC and the Nation?

HW- None (study for test)


Friday Feb. 19: TEST!! Chapter 15-16 Civil War and Reconstruction

Monday, February 8, 2010

ACC Field Trip

I have posted copies of the ACC permission slip in the documents area of my homepage. Please be sure to read both pages and print what is applicable.


Alan Schubert

Feb 8-12, 2010

Monday February 8- Mrs. Allison to finish to talk to students about registering for high school courses.

HW: None


Tuesday February 9- County Computer Test for 8th grade

HW: None


Wednesday February 10- EQ: 1. Where were most of the major Civil War battles fought and who did the fighting? 2. How were the battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg the turning points in the Civil War?

HW: At the bottom of the map worksheet we started in class, create a chart with the following headings: "Battle," "Leaders," "North/South victory or loss," and "Notable features of the battle (i.e. casualties, technology, what happened to each army)." Use chapter 15.2 as a resource or you can use any other resource (i.e. reference books, internet).


Thursday February 11- EQ: How did these words (Gettysburg Address) seek to rebuild America?

HW: None


Friday February 12- EQ: How does Gen. William T. Sherman's March represent total war?

HW: None

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday February 4-5, 2010

Thursday: EQ- What do I need or want to know about High School?


Friday: EQ- What classes would I like to take or know more about before registering?


8th Grade Counselor Mrs. Allison will be speaking with the students this week about high school classes and the registration process. If you have any questions or comments you should direct those to you children so they can be prepared to ask questions about different high school education tracks, individual courses offered at Southeast High School or at other sites in the county, and what it takes to get into the post high school programs that they would like to enroll in (college, military, trade school, community college, etc.). Feel free to send any questions you have to my email and I will forward them to Mrs. Allison as well.


Thank you,


Andrew Peascoe (Student Teacher- UNCG)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week of 1/11

Monday 1/11

EQ: What is the significance of the War of 1812?

HW: None


Tuesday 1/12

EQ: What key reforms moved NC forward during the 1830's?

HW: Reading Study Guide 12.2


Wednesday 1/13

EQ: What key reforms moved NC forward during the 1830's?

HW: Reading Study Guide 13.1


Thursday 1/14

EQ: How did NC make progress in the years before the Civil War?

HW: None


Friday 1/15

EQ: What have I learned this semester?

HW: None