Monday, April 26, 2010

4/26-4/30 Week’s Plan

Hello and thank you for checking the Week's Plan. This week we will be studying the Great Depression and World War II. While we will not be spending as much time as I would like, we will have some very interesting in-class discussions.

Mon: What were the causes of the Great Depression? No HW
Tue: How did Roosevelt attempt to end the Great Depression? No HW
Wed: What were the causes of World War II? No HW
Thurs: What were the major battles in the European theater of war? No HW
Fri: What were the major battles in the Pacific theater of war? No HW

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 20- 23


EQ: How did WWI affect the United States and North Carolina.
HW: None


How did reform affect US and NC in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

HW: Create a Venn Diagram comparing Progressivism and Populism.

Thurs:How can we view the Roaring Twenties through individuals?
HW: Finish Resume

Fri:How did the Great Depression affect NC/US and how did we attempt to fix it?
HW: None

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12- 16

Monday:  EQ: How did reform affect the US and NC in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

    HW: Create a Venn Diagram comparing Populism and Progressivism.  Use notes and/or chapter 17.3 for help


Tuesday: EQ: How did the United States become a world power in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

    HW: None


Wednesday: EQ: Why did America choose to go to war in Europe?

    HW: None


Thursday: EQ: What were the Roaring Twenties?
    HW: Complete note card and bring to class for vocab quiz.  5pts      extra credit


Friday:  Quiz and Review

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week of 4/5-4/9

Monday 4/5 EQ How did the Industrial Revolution change the United States? HW: Create a persuasive advertisement for an invention from the Industrial Revolution. Draw the invention, list some key characteristics of the invention, and explain why it is beneficial to people to own or use this product.

Tuesday 4/6 EQ: How did the Industrial Revolution change the United States? HW: Read Ch. 18.1 and answer questions 13-15 on page 422

Wednesday 4/7 EQ: How did Industrialization affect North Carolina? HW: Create vocabulary quiz note cards to use on quiz. 5 pts extra credit towards quiz.

Thursday 4/8 EQ: How did the United States become a world power in the late 1800s and early 1900s? HW: None

Friday 4/9 EQ: Why did the United States choose to go to war in Europe? HW: None